Our First Photo Shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so this was our first ever photo shoot for evermicrush.com, WOW!  there is a lot that goes into a photo shoot but thanks to our amazing friends, Natalie Shadel, Jen Phelps, and Taylor Schnell, we got it done and they looked AMAZING, don’t you agree!?Image


These girls were so much fun!


Natalie did such a great job staying on top of the girls hair in the windy weather!


Jen is wearing our “heart on a string” dress

style crush!

I’m talking about the ever so talented Zoey Deschanel, I can’t get enough of her style…I find her cute blouses and waist cinching skirts inspiring, the floral dresses are wonderful for spring/summer look! I’m not the only one in love with Zoey, my son Miles stops in his tracks if he hears her singing or sees her on TV, I think he’s got a crush too 🙂